

陳逸芬 - 團長, 巴洛克長笛

出生於台灣高雄,自台北師專畢業後,隨即赴歐、美接受完整古樂訓練。在荷蘭海牙皇家音樂院接受巴洛克長笛世界權威 Barthold Kuijken 指導,取得文憑後展開豐富的職業演奏生涯。現為台灣歐洲古樂協會理事長、福爾摩沙巴洛克古樂團創辦人、以及比利時利恰卡爾古樂團、西班牙萬國音樂會古樂團的團員。她和許多歐洲知名的古樂團合作,於紐約、日本、韓國及歐洲各地演出,也跟古樂團錄了數張巴赫《清唱劇》、《馬太受難曲》、《約翰受難曲》、《馬克受難曲》、法國巴洛克歌劇等音樂專輯。


2010年起,陳逸芬將她在國際努力多年的成果回饋於台灣古樂推廣,定期邀請國外知名的古樂演奏家來台舉辦音樂會,得到了不少迴響與支持,並策畫古樂講座、大師班、古樂工作坊琳瑯滿目的活動,帶動古樂的風潮。2015年5月受國家表演藝術中心兩廳院之託,策劃一系列的「古樂教育推廣」講座、工作坊。並協助兩廳院邀請利恰卡爾古樂團在國家音樂廳同台演出「極盡巴赫」;2016年網羅台灣古樂人士成立台灣歐洲古樂協會,並集結了旅居歐洲的台灣新生代古樂演奏者成立「福爾摩沙巴洛克古樂團 Formosa Baroque」,邀請歐陸成名多年的古樂大師參與,定期返台獻藝,期望造就更多台灣古樂界的演奏人才,為台灣獻上最細緻原初的歐洲古樂。


Yifen Chen - BAROQUE flute

Yifen Chen, baroque flautist, founder of Taiwan Early Music Society and Formosa Baroque.

Yifen Chen was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. After graduating from the National Taipei  University she travelled to the United States where she studied in the Oberlin Conservatory and later to the Netherlands where she studied with Barthold Kuijken at the Royal Conservatory of The Hague.

In both countries she started giving chamber music concerts and recitals. In 1996 she moved to Paris and since then collaborated with the most important baroque orchestras including Le Concert des Nations under the direction of Jordi Savall, Europa Galante, Ricercar Consort, La Petite Bande, Les Talens Lyriques, Balthasar Neumann and Les Arts Florissants. With these orchestras she performed throughout the world, especially in Europe, Japan, Taiwan, United States of America.


In the past thirty years, Yifen has lived in France, a stronghold of the early music revival, and dedicated herself to performing professionally and her academic studies in the US and Europe. Starting in 2010, she dedicated her many years of experience to promoting baroque music in Taiwan. First she gave a concert series of 18th -century court music in Taipei and Kaohsiung: baroque flute duets, starting a trend of european court music appreciation. Later she spread this activity to other places in Taiwan, including the remote Hualien, Taitung and Pintong, refreshing the public’s understanding with a blend of concerts and lectures on topics such as cantatas and operas, as well as period instruments and performing techniques.


In 2016, Yifen gathered many Taiwanese performers of younger generations currently living and studying in Europe to form “Formosa baroque” whose members come not only from Asia, but China, Japan, and Korea. In addition, the orchestra boasts many important European performers who further enhance its already considerable profile.

In 2016 the “Taiwan Early Music Society ”was established to produce concerts and associated activities.

In future, Yifen hopes to enhance connections with other baroque groups in France, so as to increase cultural exchanges internationally.