Patrick Beaugiraud


巴洛克雙簧管 帕提克‧柏繼厚

當今歐洲最受歡迎的巴洛克雙簧管演奏家,致力於巴洛克、古典和浪漫時期樂器的音樂詮釋,參加許多歐洲知名古樂團,並擔任雙簧管首席,像是阿姆斯特丹巴洛克古樂團、根特聲樂合唱團、小樂集古樂團、日本巴哈古樂團、利恰卡爾古樂團、Les Talens Lyriques、La Grande Ecurie et la Chambre du Roy、羅浮宮音樂家合奏團、Le Concert d'Astre等等。與古樂團錄製無數專輯,如巴赫、韋瓦第、海頓雙簧管協奏曲及巴赫、韓德爾清唱劇等。目前是法國里昂高等音樂院及瑞士日內瓦音樂院巴洛克雙簧管教授。

Patrick Beaugiraud - Baroque Oboe

One of most active and invited period oboist in Europe, for his work on Baroque, Classical and Romantic period music. Played as principal oboe in many renowned Baroque orchestras and ensembles such as Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra, Collegium Vocale Gent, La Petitie Bande, 

Bach Collegium Japan, Ricercar Cconsort, Les Talen Lyriques, La Grande Ecurie et la Chambre du Roy, 

Les Musiciens du Louvre, Le Concert d’Astre.  He has recorded numerous recording with orchestras, solo aria for Bach and Handel cantatas and oboe concertos by Bach, Vivaldi and Haydn.

Patrick is the professor of  Baroque oboe at Consevatoires de Lyon and Geneva,Switzerland.