Minori Saji


岩倉 みのり- 巴洛克雙簧管

東京人,畢業於日本重要音樂學府桐朋學園大學,師事曾任新日本愛樂交響樂團首席的柴山洋,研習現代雙簧管。2013年赴法進修,於奧比利埃(Aubervilliers)國立音樂學院繼續研習現代雙簧管及巴黎的聖莫代福塞(Saint-Maur-des-Fossés)音樂學院,師事曾任德國最大ARD慕尼黑國際音樂大賽評審的雙簧管名師Hélène Devilleneuve. 2016取得音樂習業文憑。

而2015她確認更深的職志,赴布魯塞爾皇家音樂學院,向著名法蘭德斯音樂節古樂獎得主,名家Marcel Ponseele學習巴洛克雙簧管,於2018獲傑出表現之碩士學位。爾後旋即入選與英國格林德伯恩(Glyndebourne)音樂節相關的古樂團「啟蒙時代古樂團」(OAE)2018青年才華樂手計畫。

而今她與歐洲眾多古樂團均有合作,包括啟蒙時代古樂團、荷蘭金翅雀古樂團、BachPlus合奏團、奧斯陸巴洛克古樂團等等。2019她更與以受封騎士的大指揮家菲利普.赫瑞維賀(Philippe Herreweghe)合作,與其創立的根特聲樂協會樂團(Collegium Vocale Gent),演出經典的巴赫馬太受難曲﹗



Minori Saji - baroque Obeo

Minori Saji was born in Tokyo, studied modern oboe at Toho Gakuen College of music with Hiroshi Shibayama and she obtained her Bachelor of modern oboe.

Since 2013, she moved to France, and she continued to study modern oboe at the Conservatory of Aubervilliers La-Courneuve and Conservatory of Saint- Maur-des-Fossés with Hélène Devilleneuve. She got her diploma (Diplôme d'études musicales) in 2016.

She started studying baroque oboe with Marcel Ponseele at the the Royal Conservatory of Brussels in 2015. And she got the Master degree with Great Distinction in 2018.

She was selected the OAE Experience Scheme for Talented Young Players 2018 of Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment in UK. She join the various professional orchestras groups in Europe such as Il Gardellino, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, Ensemble BachPlus, Oslo Barokkorkester and so on. In 2019, she join the tour of Matthew Passion with Collegium Vocale Gent under the Philipe Herreweghe.