Julius Lorscheider


羅諸立- 大鍵琴



2016 羅諸立獲青年音樂家獎(Federal Prize, North Rhine-Westphalia)並受邀次年公演。畢業於阿姆斯特丹音樂學院師事 Bob van Asperen教授,在巴塞爾古樂音樂院師事Andrea Marcon,並跟隨 Pieter van Dijk 學習管風琴。也是古樂團“Das Zimmermannsche Caffee”(巴赫世俗音樂演出地)創團者。

身為大鍵琴獨奏家及室內樂演奏,並於重要音樂節演出,重要合作對象有科隆古樂團(Concerto Köln),烏斯特倫合奏團(Ensemble Urstrom)。除了專研他主要研究 16 世紀和 17 世紀的意大利音樂。羅諸立於2021起在巴塞爾大學學習哲學和社會學。


Julius Lorscheider - harpsichord

Julius studied harpsichord and figured bass with Menno van Delft and Kris Verhelst at the Amsterdam Conservatory and with Andrea Marcon at the Schola Cantorum in Basel. He also devoted himself to the organ with Pieter van Dijk. Various master classes (e.g. Lisieux, Villecroze, Vannes) provided additional impetus. He also owes musical influences to Skip Sempé, Bertrand Cuiller, Elisabeth Joyé, Christine Schornsheim and above all Pierre Hantaï.

In recitals and as a chamber musician he has performed with the Amsterdam Baroque Consort, Contactus and Concerto Köln, among others, at venues such as the Muziekgebouw Amsterdam, the Sanssouci Festival, the Cologne Philharmonic, the Grachtenfestival Amsterdam etc.

He is currently appearing as a member in projects such as Concerto Ispirato and Formosa Baroque. As part of the project ensemble musica getutscht (Bremen), he deals intensively with Italian music of the 16th and 17th centuries. Julius has also been studying philosophy and sociology at the University of Basel since 2021.