Marc Hantai


馬克韓岱 - 巴洛克長笛

馬克·韓岱,巴洛克長笛演奏家,1960年生於巴黎。 在布魯塞爾皇家音樂學院完成古樂教育,受教於古長笛大師 Barthold Kuijken 教授門下。


馬克為許多歐洲重要的巴洛克古樂合奏團的首席長笛,與樂團錄製不下百張唱片。並應邀於世界知名的音樂季及演奏廳演奏獨奏及室內樂。同時, 馬克並與知名的古提琴家薩瓦爾(Jordi Savall)錄製了巴赫的 《b小調組曲》、《布蘭登堡協奏曲》、《音樂的奉獻》、《泰勒曼長笛組曲》等,以及與古樂巨匠的 Kuijken三兄弟合作演出,同時錄製法國作曲家庫普蘭的《Les Nations》。並在畢業後既受他的教授 Barthold Kuijken 邀請錄製 W.F. Bach 《六首長笛二重奏》 ,巴赫《長笛三重奏奏鳴曲》、海頓的 《倫敦三重奏》。2018年馬克再度與的的皮耶錄製《長笛奏鳴曲》專輯,得到法國金叉大獎與留聲機« 最佳專輯 »的最高榮譽。


馬克熱衷於教學工作,曾在布魯塞爾音樂學院擔任助理教授,現為西班牙巴塞隆那(Escola Superior de Musica de Catalunya)與瑞士巴塞爾(Schola Cantorum Basiliensis)古樂音樂院教授, 馬克享有極高的聲譽, 並時常應邀在歐美日各大音樂院及夏令營教授大師班。


Marc Hantai -Baroque Flute

Marc Hantaï was a pupil of Barthold Kuijken at the Royal Conservatory of Music of Brussels where he was awarded the "Diplôme Supérieur avec grande distinction" in 1986.


He has performed as principal flautist with well known early music orchestras such as Le Concert des Nations (Jordi Savall), The Amsterdam Baroque Orchestra (Ton Koopman), Les Arts Florissants (William Christie), Collegium Vocale Gent, (Philippe Herreweghe), La Petite Bande (Sigiswald Kuijken), Europa Galante (Fabio Biondi), Le Concert Français (Pierre Hantaï), Balthasar Neumann Ensemble (Thomas Hengelbrock), La Chambre Philharmonique (Emmanuel Krivine), Anima Eterna Symphony Orchestra (Jos van Immerseel). He concertizes widely as solist and chamber music player in Europe, Japan, Korea, Brazil and the United States.

He has made numerous recordings, including the six flute duets of W.F. Bach, Haydn's London trios, Couperin's "Les Nations" with the Kuijken brothers, the b minor suite and the Musical Offering of J.S. Bach with Jordi Savall. A new recording (Mirare) of Bach’s flute sonatas, with Pierre Hantaï on the harpsichord, received extremely good reviews (« best recording » for William Yeoman in Gramophone May 2018 issue, Diapason d’Or, ffff de Télérama).


He has been for many years Barthold Kuijken's assistant professor at the Conservatory in Brussels and is now professor at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya in Barcelona (ESMUC) and at the Schola Cantorum in Basel.