Emmanuel Laporte


巴洛克雙簧管 艾曼紐‧拉坡特

當今歐洲最受歡迎的法國巴洛克雙簧管演奏家之一,他是眾多歐洲頂尖古樂團的雙簧管首席。包括熟聞人知的比利時利恰卡爾古樂團、羅浮宮音樂家古樂團 (Les Musiciens du Louvre Grenoble)、法國香榭麗謝古樂團 (Orchestre des Champs-Elysées) 等。 也曾經在2015年5月隨利恰卡爾古樂團來台在國家音樂廳演出「極盡巴赫」音樂會。

Emmanuel Laporte - Baroque Oboe

The french oboe player Emmanuel Laporte studied in Nantes, Boulogne-Billancourt and finally in Paris where he received his degree with highest honours in modern and baroque oboe, chamber music, harmony and counterpoint.

Since 2006 he is regularly invited to play and to record as first oboe or soloist in the most famous period instrument ensembles such as           L’ Orchestre des Champs Elysées, Les Musiciens du Louvre, Café Zimmermann, Ricercar Consort, Gli Angeli Genève, Concerto Copenhagen, Drottninholm Theater Orchestra, Le Banquet Céleste, Les Nouveaux Caractères, Le Concert de la Loge, Le Cercle de l’ Harmonie, Harmonie Universelle, Il Convito, Gli Incogniti, English Concert, Les Ambassadeurs, Le Caravansérail, Il Pomo d’Oro, Wraclaw Baroque Orchestra, Stradivaria, Pulcinella, Les Talens Lyriques, Ensemble Pygmalion, Ensemble Philidor.

With those groups he has performed in the most prestigious concert venues and festivals around the world.

In February 2014 he taught at the prestigious International Händel Academy in Karlsruhe and he had given master classes in Argentina and Colombia.