

張端庭 - 巴洛克雙簧管




2013年赴法留學,考取巴黎市立音樂院之雙簧管專業演奏等級 師事於法國國家交響樂團雙簧管首席Nora CISMONDI教授,並於2015年畢業獲得音樂教育文憑DEM,同年考取法國國立里昂高等音樂院 CNSMD de LYON,跟隨國際雙簧管演奏家及前法國廣播愛樂樂團雙簧管首席Jean-Louis CAPEZZALI教授和里昂交響樂團雙簧管首席Jérôme GUICHARD教授,以及跟隨里昂、日內瓦高等音樂院教授 Patrick Beaugiraud 學習巴洛克雙簧管。



Duan-Ting CHANG - BAROQUE oboe

Born in Taipei in 1992, Duan- Ting studied violin and piano with her mother , at age 12, she started oboe with Hung Chienchih , later with Liu Rongyi and Hsieh Wanchen while She studied at the Taipei National University of Art. She has been awarded first price in both regional and National Music competitions in Taiwan. In 2013, she entered Conservatoire Rayonnement Régional de Paris to study with the Principe oboe of French National Symphony Orchestra - Nora Cismondi, graduated with a diploma in Music Education in 2015, same year she entered the Conservatoire National Superior de Musique et Dance in Lyon, studies with Jean-Louis Capezzali and Jerôme Guichard, she also study Baroque oboe with Patrick Beaugiraud.